Energy Clubs in Industrial Training Institutes
CEE is implementing a youth based energy conservation programme called ‘Energy Clubs in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) ' in 10 selected ITIs of Gujarat with support from the USAID/ South Asian Regional Initiative,(SARI) Energy Program. The Directorate of Employment and Training (DET), Gandhinagar, Gujarat is providing the administrative support to the Project.
Ms. Shreerupa Mitra, Social Development Specialist, USAID SARI/Energy Programme visited CEE on 20 – 21, January 2011.
During her two-day visit, Ms. Mitra met with the Director CEE and the Project team. Ms. Mitra visited two of the 10 project ITIs, where she interacted with the Energy Club members to understand their experiences and impressions of this youth-based energy conservation project.
Ms. Mitra also visited the Directorate of Technical Education (DET) in Gandhinagar to have an interaction with Mr B. M. Parekh, Joint Director, DET.
Ms. Mitra interacting with Energy Club Members |
Manekbaug offers an opportunity for Environment Education
In 1997, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation's plot in Manekbaug society was developed by CEE as a naturally regenerating forested area, which could serve as an environmental education site. This was part of the Ahmedabad Green Partnership Programme in which different NGOs were involved in greening municipal open spaces.
Rawal bhai of Ahmedabad Muncipal Corporation(AMC) at Manekbaug, with CEE's Youth Environment Network- Team. |
The uniqueness of this park is mirrored in the fact that more than 400 trees from over 40 in Gujarat domiciled species can be found there. It offers an amazing opportunity for schools and colleges from urban areas to provide their students an insight into Gujarat 's tree variety as well as a wide variety of birds which nest in Manekbaug. Students can get some hands-on experience of doing project in nature.
Saving every drop of water
In January CEE North joined hands with District Science Club (DSC), a club operated by Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh under the guidance of Department of Science and Technololgy for organizing an environmental education programme in a rural schools of Lucknow . The programme mainly focused on making children aware about water and its conservation practices through a variety of expert sessions. CEE joined hands in three programmes; it facilitated an open quiz for the group on the theme, and conducted an interactive session. During the programme, the schools were also informed about the Paryavaran Mitra Programme of CEE.
Each programme saw participation of 300 to 350 students from at least 3 - 4 schools of the district and also represenation from community members |
National Green Corps: Zonal Workshop in Gujarat
Gujarat Ecological Education and Research(GEER) Foundation, Gandhinagar, Nodal Agency for National Green Corps (NGC) organized five zonal workshops for teachers and students. The first workshop in this series was held in the beautiful surroundings of Kyada Education Foundation,Rajkot. It was hosted by the Social Forestry Division of Forest Department on 18-19 January 2011. 71 Teachers and 56 students from five districts - Rajkot , Jamnagar , Porbandar, Amreli and Junagarh participated in it.
Some of the guests at the inauguration session addressed the gathering on the current issues related to environment like whale shark and importance of medicinal plants. Forest officials and delegates presented their views on various environmental concerns and importance of education for school children. They included Mr. Bharat Pathak, Director, GEER foundation, Mr. S.K. Mehta, CCF Rajkot, Mr. Madwada, DCF Amreli, Mr. N.K.Nanda, DCF GEER Foundation and Mr. Yusuf Patel, renowned scientist.
NGC related issues were discussed among teachers, education officials; forest Department officials, GEER Foundation staff, School Trustees, district coordinators of NGC and CEE. Interaction with children was one of the main themes of the workshop and all speakers interacted with children and answered their diverse queries.
Children learned about impact of positive and negative environmental actions through a large sized snakes and ladders game. |
The second workshop in this series was held at Kherva, Ganpat University , Mehsana, by the forest department on 29 -30, January. 50 Teachers and 100 students from five districts (Sabarkantha, Patan, Mehsana, Banaskantha and Kutch ) participated in it. District Coordinators of NGC from the above districts were also present in the workshop.
The workshop was focused on current issues of environment like global warming, impact of plastic on environment and others. Forest officials and delegates presented their views on various aspects of environmental concerns and importance of education for school children. These included Mr. I. P Patel Director, Ganpat University , Mr. Bharat Pathak, Director GEER foundation, Mr. V. T. Korvadia, Conservator of Forest and Ms. Aradhana Sahu, DCF, Mehasana.
During the events ‘Paryavaran Mitra' programme was introduced to participating teachers by Mr. Santosh Gupta and Ms. Vinti Shah of CEE and they were informed about the set of Paryavaran Mitra material, which will reach to their schools. The Gujarati versions of ‘Paryavaran Mitra' posters were also released on the occasion. Children and teachers visited saw the exhibition of Prakriti Bus, a mobile Environment Education exhibition, which is a joint project between CEE and Gujarat Gas Company Ltd, this was facilitated Jyoti Gopinathan and Vinti Shah of CEE.
Launch of Paryavaran Mitra Programme in Bihar
The Paryavaran Mitra programme in Patna, Bihar was launched with a two-day refresher NGC master trainers training programme on 11-12 January 2011. The programme was inaugurated by Ex-member Secretary of NGC nodal agency Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB) and eminent environmentalist from Tarumitra.
The programme organised by CEE North focused on equipping the Master Trainers to plan and conduct the Teachers Training programme with focus on sustainability education, and also how to integrate Paryavaran Mitra programme in their districts through various opportunities. Each Master Trainer, being Eco-Club in charge in their own school, made the plan for implementing Paryavaran Mitra activities, and also helped in designing the district-level strategy to reach out to all NGC schools.
39 Master Trainers from 30 districts attended the programme. |
Activities at CEE's Information Fecilitation Centre
As part of field education exposure trip a group of 40 students from an activity centre “Fun with English” visited CEE.
Sessions included Nature trail, Games and Activities, Stories and Songs on Environment. |
95 B Ed. Students and 6 teachers from J.G. College of Education had an orientation session at CEE. The three hour session focused mainly on Climate Change, Global warming and Biodiversity. Students were divided into groups and asked to make charts and give presentations on “Best out of Waste”. Both the groups had debate on the reasons for climate change and its impact on human. The session ended with activities and a half an hour Nature Trail
Green Teacher Diploma course and Paryavaran Mitra programmes were also shared with the group.
The group was also shown the “Prakriti” Environment Education bus where the panels and exhibits broadly focused on five thematic areas – Land, Water, Energy, Biodiversity and Climate Change.
Senior. and Junior KG Students of Eurokids Vastrapur branch had two sessions as part of their annual programme under Nature Buddies . The topics covered were, Air, Water – Sources, Forms, Uses, Water Cycle, Water Sports, Concept of Living & Non living things, and “India My Country” There was a special film screening done on under water animals. While learning more about India each child had a painting of their favorite National bird, animal, flower and even the flag.
Children enjoyed the session with the potter where each child could make a small pot on their own on the potters wheel. |
Visit to Sundarvan also made children more aware of various types of animals and birds and their habitat which they otherwise heard and saw pictures in their books. Children enjoyed feeding the geese and ducks. |
Sustainable Transport for Resilient Cities - Responding to Climate Change
Prof. Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability, Curtin University , Australia and Lead Author Transport, IPCC, 5th Assessment Report gave a talk at CEE Pune on 11 January.
In his talk, Prof Newman examined seven characteristics of 'resilient cities of the future': renewable, carbon neutral, biophilic, with smart, distributed green infrastructure, eco-efficient with industrial estates using industrial ecology to close the loops on their metabolism, place-based with emphasis on local economies and local identity, and with quality public transit and walkable centre.
Author of “Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change”. Prof. Peter Newman especially spoke about the shift away from automobiles to sustainable modes of transport.He has also invented the term 'automobile dependence' to describe how we have created cities where we have to drive everywhere.
Over 200 college students, professionals and others attended the talk. Prof Newman later met with representatives of local academic institutes and NGOs to explore future collaborations in training and research.
. The CEE Urban Program organized this talk in partnership with the Australia-India Council, Parisar, FEED, MCCIA and the Sustainable Urban Mobility Network India . |
Paryavaran Mitra Activities
Science Express in Rajasthan
One of the most popular coaches of The Science Express is on ‘Climate Change– Cause, Effect and Mitigation'. This coach has been designed by CEE.
The Science Express visited Hanumangarh in Rajasthan from 3 - 5 January, 2011. |
The Science Express is an innovative Science exhibition on wheels. The 16 coach train was especially fabricated for Department of Science & Technology ( DST ), Govt. of India. The train strives to take modern research out of the lab and show relevance of science in everyday life and to face the global challenges of the 21 st century.
CEE Jaipur team facilitated dissemination of information and enrollment of schools for Paryavaran Mitra, along with environmental games /activities for the students as a part of outreach activities of the train. Paryavaran Mitra kit containing resource material was also provided to these schools. |
Jammu and Kashmir
Paryavaran Mitra was launched in Jammu & Kashmir by the Education Minister, Mr. Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed at Brigadier Rajender Singh auditorium, Jammu University which had participation of all key stakeholders on 22January, 2011.
Addressing the gathering the Minister asked students to firmly vow for protection and preservation of environment. He said that children have the potential to become green leaders of tomorrow, as it needs small steps to make a big difference.
Voicing concern over the deteriorating state of the environment of ecosystems and extinction of wildlife, Peerzada appealed to every citizen to participate in environmental conservation efforts. He said that this required collective efforts of government, NGOs, and the civil society especially youth.
Emphasizing the significance of Environment Education in academics the Minister said possibilities will be explored to incorporate a chapter on environment in school books. The Minister also said that the government at the centre will be approached and requested for enhancement in yearly funds being provided to schools for paryavaran activities. “We all should pledge and consider it our moral duty to plant trees in our homes and surroundings”, he asserted.
The Minister inaugurated a photo exhibition on environment, and flagged off a green rally on environment supporting Paryavaran Mitra Project jointly organized by CEE and WWF.
The Programme will bridge the gap between classroom teaching and outdoor environment. |
Mr Sudhir Sinha, Country Head, Corporate Social Responsibility and R&R, ArcelorMittal India , talked about the role of corporates in contributing to environmental protection, and setting up a unique tradition by being partners in this project.
Regional Director of CEE Himalaya , Dr Abdhesh Gangwar and Chairperson, J&K Chapter of WWF-India, Dr. C.M.Seth informed that in J&K the programme will be run in 5486 schools in all the 22 districts where under the National Green Corps eco-clubs already exist. Also present at the occasion were, the Chairman, State Polution Control Board, Lal Chand, Former Vice Chancellor, Prof. Y. P. Malhotra, Former PCCFS, NGOs, students, and teachers who were felicitated for exemplar eco-club activities.